Newsletter n°1 - March 2012

Give Eur-Hope is an association of EU staff members which aims to promote, through concrete actions, the solidarity of EU staff with individuals, families or groups living in poverty and social exclusion in the European Union.

Give Eur-Hope was founded on 10 December 2010 (International Human Rights Day), in the context of the European year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, by a group of like-minded staff, many of whom are involved in other associations such as Europe Third Wold, Cancer Support Group, Schuman Trophy, Afiliatys, AST Network, etc.

Their goal was to raise their colleague's awareness to the problems and causes of poverty and social exclusion in the EU, to stimulate reflection by way of various activities and to finance projects through associations and NGOs actively fighting such poverty and social exclusion.

Give Eur-Hope ensures 100% of the funds it collects go directly to the people who are most in need through ensuring the projects are of direct and tangible benefit to the people concerned. All funds are raised through membership fees, donations and fundraising activities in collaboration with various other associations such as AST Networks, Afiliatys, Schuman Trophy as well as individual and group actions.

Message from Commissioner Andor

Commissioner Andor at the inauguration of the association
and its logo (30/3/2011)

On 30 March 2011, just over a year ago I was delighted to launch Give EUR-Hope and to unveil the logo. In a short time, this logo has become familiar to many colleagues. In my speech last year on the EU's Growth Strategy and the fight against poverty and social exclusion, I outlined how "Give Eur-Hope" could play a role in these efforts.

In March 2011, we had some hope that the European recovery could become more robust. However, the economic and financial crisis continues, and affects the lives of many EU citizens, sometimes in a dramatic way. Some Member States are facing serious situations of increased levels of long-term unemployment, homelessness and other forms of extreme poverty. Today there are still 80 million people in the EU – 16% of the population – live on less than 60% of their country's average household income. Poverty affects children in particular; 19% of children in the EU are also currently in or at risk of poverty.

As Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, I am committed to the fight against poverty, by promoting active inclusion and enhancing the social dimension of the EU budget. We need a specific focus on the most vulnerable groups, like children, disadvantaged ethnic minorities, or the homeless. The Europe 2020 strategy provides orientation and support to this campaign. The significance of this is huge, since this is the first time when EU leaders pledged to lift at least 20 million people out of poverty by 2020.

In order to make real progress, we need to strengthen our alliance with civil society organisations. "Give Eur-Hope" is an example of how we can work at grass roots level. "Give Eur-Hope" also provides concrete financial support to small organisations working on the ground and demonstrates the solidarity of all colleagues working in the EU Institutions with those in need.

I am honoured to continue my support for Give Eur-Hope and I would like to congratulate everyone involved for the success achieved so far.

Message de Dominique Levieil,
Président de l'asssociation

Dominique Levieil, President of GEH

En lançant une association des membres du personnel des institutions de l’UE vouée à la lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale, il y a tout juste un an, nous étions loin d’imaginer que nous recueillerions plus de 40,000 euros dont l’essentiel serait immédiatement canalisé vers une demi douzaine de projets. Et de nouvelles demandes nous arrivent régulièrement. Alors que faire sinon vous encourager à contribuer à nos efforts pour démontrer chaque jour notre solidarité avec les plus démunis, et surtout notre engagement à les aider d’une manière constructive et respectueuse de leurs droits fondamentaux.


Commissioner Andor with Sarah Ironside, VP of GEH

Voir article CenD du 16/3/2012

Action Grand Froid

L’appel à la solidarité des collègues en faveur des victimes du grand froid hivernal, lancé par le Comité local du personnel et Give Eur-Hope a permis de rassembler quelques 250 cartons. Les vêtements et produits alimentaires ont été triés par les instigateurs de cette initiative et remis au centre public d'action sociale (CPAS) qui a ainsi pu distribuer 300 colis alimentaires et une grande quantité de vêtements. Quant aux couvertures, draps et couettes ainsi recueillis, ils ont été remis au Samu Social qui assure l’hébergement de nombreux sans abri.

Quant aux quelques 4.200 € versés à Give Eur-Hope par plus de 50 donateurs, ils permettront d’améliorer la capacité d’hébergement d’un centre d’accueil de Charleroi, pour celles et ceux qui n’ont pas les moyens de se protéger du froid.

Jamais une telle opération n'aurait pu se faire sans la générosité des contributeurs et l’aide des chefs d'immeuble. Que tous trouvent ici l’expression de nos sincères et chaleureux remerciements.


Give Eur-Hope helps to finance specific and clearly defined projects and ensures the follow up of these projects. So far 6 projects have been funded in Belgium, Hungary, Romania and Poland.

Brussels - Renovation of a kitchen in housing destined for affordable housing for those in need. In cooperation with Renovassistance asbl – 4,000€ (partly financed by the Trainees Solidarity Sub-committee)
Brussels - IT equipment for an after school homework club. In cooperation with Foyer des Jeunes des Marolles – 3,520 € (financed in partnership with Schuman Trophy)
Kismaros (Hungary) - Purchase of medical equipment to provide orthopaedic services for the under privileged for the local Medical Clinic – 2,650 €. (no website)
Warsaw (Poland) - Installation of an access ramp for disabled users in a shelter for homeless people. In cooperation with Fondation des Maisons de la Communauté du Pain de Vie – 5,000 € - (donated by Afiliatys)
Brussels : Renovation of three family rooms – 4,700 € (proceeds of Ekiden sponsorship) – In cooperation with L’Ilot asbl.
Romania: Purchase of sports equipment for children and a chainsaw for a school. In cooperation with The Romanian Children’s Humanitarian Foundation NL – 1,000 Euros (funded by DG MARE AST Network Cake Sale).

Dominique Levieil, Sarah Ironside, Graziana Lonero


Last year, 34 teams of 202 officials from various Institutions donned their GEH t-shirts (provided by Afiliatys) and took part in the Ekiden Relay Marathon at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels. Not only was this an opportunity for Give Eur-Hope to raise its profile, but more importantly it raised just over 10,000€.

The funds raised from the Ekiden were notably used to fund the project "L'llot" and contributed also to the other projects which have been financed.

The 2012 Ekiden will take place on Saturday 13 October and we are delighted to be running this year in the context of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.

If you are interested in being part of 'Team Give Eur-Hope', please contact Sarah Ironside or Graziana Lonero.


Forum Bruxellois de lutte contre la pauvreté : 500€ - donation for back to school supplies
PAG ASA Brussels: An association which provides humanitarian assistance to victims and cooperates in the combat against exploitation networks. 1,500 euro donation – thanks to the fundraising of DG HOME Dir C.

As well as the donations mentioned above, Give Eur-Hope has received donations from various other sources, including Brussels Shakespeare Society, COMP Yoga, DG HR-DS, DG HOME/C Christmas Party and a number of AST Networks (RTD, EMPL, COMP, INFSO, HR, MARE), which have organised various fund raising activities, including cake sales and media sales.

More projects are being examined and funding decisions are taken every month. Up to date information is available on our website.

We are looking for suitable projects to support. Please contact us if you know of a deserving organisation which needs funding for a specific project that meets our intervention criteria.



We need your help:

By becoming a paying member, you help us to fund projects submitted by associations which work with the poorest in our society.
By becoming an active member, you help us to work on our activities; we need assistance with our project group and we need experts to work with us on our communication activities, to translate texts, to organise events, etc.
To become a member, please fill in the form on the website.
Give Eur-Hope is grateful for the practical support received from Commission Services and, in particular, HG HR and the OIB.
Copyright 2012 © Give Eur-Hope | Visit our website | Support our cause
Editors: Sarah Ironside, Graziana Lonero, Arnaud Metens