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Each year GIVE EUR-HOPE coordinates the participation of European Institutions' officials in the Ekiden  marathon-relay of Brussels. This year, we counted a record 1032 runners in 172 teams!

A fundraising campaign allows the runners to support one of our projects combating poverty and social exclusion in a European Union country. Half of the funds collected are shared with Eucanaid, which manages development projects in third countries.

Our two associations express sincere gratitude to the Bewell team from DG HR for their assistance in organizing this event and distributing technical T-shirts to the runners. We also thank the Afiliatys association for their co-financing of these T-shirts.

Bank details for donations are as follows

  •  Bank holder: eu can aid
  • Bank account: ING-310-0240244-61
  • IBAN: BE62310024024461 – BIC: BBRUBEBB
  • Specific communication: 200/0007/49901

EKIDEN Marathon