Belgium (56) | Bulgaria (22) | Estonia (1) | France (7) | Germany (1) | Greece (3) | Hungary (2) | Ireland (3) | Italy (2) | Netherlands (1) | Poland (2) | Romania (28) | Slovenia (1) | Spain (2)



Argo Medical Solidarity for Greece – Kalamoudi Health Centre – Greece (Euboea)
Budget: 3,000.00€
The association "Argo Medical Solidarity for Greece" has received a contribution of 3,000€ to repair the health centre of Kalamoudi  (Euboea)  following the fires of the summer of 2021. It is a region with little tourism with a lower than average standard of living. 


Création d'un musée pour l’école de la prison - Smart - Larissa
Budget: 1,500.00€
L'école de la seconde chance de la prison de Larissa veut créer un petit musée d'art (Smart : Small Museum of Art) pour exposer les œuvres des prisonniers. Elle vise à leur donner une seconde chance pour des études de niveau secondaire et pour cultiver leurs aptitudes afin de les préparer à la réintégration sociale.  C'est avec leur aide que le musée sera construit.


Renovation of laundry facilities for the homeless – UWAH - Crete
Budget: 7,000.00€
The Union of Women's Associations in Heraklion asked GEH to support the renovation of a laundry that cleans clothes and blankets at a day centre for the homeless in Heraklion. The centre also provides primary health care, psychological support and information. The renovation work involves mainly the purchase of three washing machines.