

Equipment for a mixed-aged centre - RCHF - North-east Romania
Budget: 3,455.00€
The project aims to equip a mixed-age centre in the area of Ciocanesti which was kindly made available to the applicant by the mayor of the commune with a view to distancing children from the streets and to give pensioners a meeting place to their mutual benefit. The request was for the supply of furniture and maintenance equipment. Download RCHF's testimony (PDF 46Ko)
Street Food - Frères Europa - Satu Mare
Budget: 2,670.00€
Since 1991, the association “Europa Brothers” has been active in the region of Satu Mare (north-west Romania). Its activities are focused on disadvantaged young people from orphanages. The Fast-food street project was a success, but needs to be improved, especially with regard to energy expenditure and mobility. The request is funding for a van and equipment. The total project cost is estimated at € 24,320 for which Europa Brothers received two other promises of financing: Emmaüs €18,000 and Michelin €2,500. This project has been financed in cooperation with the AST group of the Commission’s DG COMP.


Purchase of sports equipment for children in a Romanian village
Budget: 1,000.00€
This project involves furnishing sports equipment for children living in a rural village in Romania. There are no leisure facilities in the village and after school the children could only play on the streets or spend time in cafés (alcohol, smoking, vandalism). Table tennis tables, basket ball sets, etc have been purchased in order to organise activities in local school hall. The children will now have organised sports and other activities. The same school is only heated by wood burning stoves. The wood had to be cut by the teachers with a hand saw. Funding was approved to buy a chain-saw. This project has been financed thanks to the generous donation of the AST group of the Commission's DG MARE. More information: Stichting Romanian Children’s Humanitarian Foundation Newsletter, Spring 2012