Various ethnic groups make up the village of Krepost (in southern Bulgaria): the Roma Kopanari (of Romanian origin) suffer from isolation and rejection. The project involves 18 training sessions for 25 children aged 8-15 years old: sex education, disease prevention, hygiene, school work, and including meeting teachers from vocational schools. Some work is needed at the welcome centre: replacing a floor and a door, as well as the purchase of furniture, school books and some other equipment.
Setting up an Integration Centre - Future for Krepost - Krepost
Budget: 2,150.00€
Insulation of a Medical Centre
Budget: 6,000.00€
This project involved the insulation of a medical centre. Damp in the walls had meant that the centre no longer met hygiene standards for multiple occupancy, particularly in winter when it was partially used to house Roma families. Medical treatment could, therefore, be carried out in greatly improved conditions. GEH was asked to provide €6,000.00 of the total budget of €10,000.00, the difference being paid by the applicant.
Roms Coppersmiths
Budget: 5,000.00€
The project aims to integrate Roma into civil society and to provide training in the treatment of copper and the manufacture of craft items. 20 unemployed young people will be trained by experienced artisans to acquire both a trade and to promote traditional skills. A permanent exhibition of these items will also be organized which will give visibility to their activities and show these young people that they have a real possibility to integrate society. €7,640 was requested.
Development of a farm and its conversion into a centre for disadvantaged families
Budget: 6,452.80€
The project aims to improve the distribution of drinking water on the farm by drilling wells, installing piping, a pump and a tank to collect used water.
Réfugiés Bienvenue – Furnishing of Welcome Homes
Budget: 3,000.00€
Réfugiés Bienvenue manages three welcome homes aimed at reintroducing communal living (including with financially disadvantaged French individuals) and a professional life for immigrants who have been granted refugee status. The request concerns the furnishing of one of these three homes.
Utopia 56 – Acquisition of a second-hand vehicle
Budget: 5,000.00€
Utopia 56 mission provides shelter, accommodation, and essential supplies to distressed exiled individuals. They have requested funding for the acquisition of a second-hand vehicle to address their displacement needs in support of these exiled individuals.
ESF – Intervention Ukraine Supply of solar lamps and chargers
Budget: 5,000.00€
Electriciens sans Frontières, an NGO under French law, is preparing to intervene and is mobilizing volunteers and partners to provide support in neighbouring countries where Ukrainian refugees are heading.
An intervention aimed at the electrical security of buildings transformed into places of accommodation, the power supply of camps and hospital structures as well as the response to the electrical needs of NGOs established locally in bordering countries
Utopia 56 – Purchase of a vehicle to help exiled people – France (North)
Budget: 5,200.00€
The Utopia 56 Association's mission is to meet the needs of exiled and isolated people on the French-English sea border by welcoming, accommodating and offering basic services. The support of 5,200€ will go towards the purchase of a used vehicle to travel daily to the beneficiaries' places of life.
ECCOFOR - Equipment for a training centre, Dole
Budget: 5,000.00€
ECCOFOR is an employment-training association for young people who have dropped out of school seeking work in occupations in demand (car maintenance, metalworking and locksmithing). The association requested 5,000€ for computer equipment.
Dracénie solidarités – Création de jardins partagés – France
Budget: 4,500.00€
Dracénie solidarités est une association qui dans le cadre de son projet d’Eco-hameau solidaire (logements sociaux pour 75 personnes fragilisées) à Draguignan (Var) lance une action de jardins partagés pour laquelle elle a demandé le soutien de GIVE EUR-HOPE, au profit d’une cinquantaine de personnes en précarité. Ces jardins, basés sur la culture biologique, couvriraient des potagers, des jardins des senteurs, d’agrément, des vergers et la mise en place de ruches. Le montant demandé est de 7,000 €. L'irrigation, la protection contre les sangliers et les outils sont financés.
Formation et insertion professionnelle de jeunes - Institut de l’Engagement – Paris
Budget: 5,520.00€
L'institut de l'engagement est une association qui a pour objectif de valoriser le fort potentiel révélé par des jeunes pendant le Service civique. Il demande l’accompagnement pendant 1 an de jeunes en situation socio-économique particulièrement fragile. Ils bénéficieront ainsi d’un accompagnement personnalisé, de bourses de vie et/ou de scolarité́ adaptées à leur situation, et participeront aux séminaires de l’Institut.
Lire la suite
D'origine guinéenne, Oumou est venue en France pour pouvoir continuer ses études après le bac. Elle a voulu s'engager en Service Civique pour s'impliquer dans la communauté et a mené à bien une mission autour du soutien scolaire. Le rêve d'Oumou était d'entrer en école de commerce mais, malgré ses qualités et son fort potentiel, elle n'avait pas les moyens de payer sa scolarité et ne pouvait mettre en avant son parcours antérieur, éloigné des parcours classiques. L'Institut de l'Engagement lui a permis de lever ces obstacles. Il a présenté Oumou à l'EM Lyon, l'une des 5 meilleures écoles de management de France. Pour qu'elle puisse entrer dans cette école et se consacrer pleinement à ses études, l'Institut lui a attribué une bourse de scolarité et une bourse de vie.. Oumou vient d’être embauchée chez Accenture, également partenaire de l'Institut de l'Engagement.
Issu d'un milieu modeste, Aurélien a longtemps enchaîné les petits boulots alimentaires, sans perspective professionnelle. Pendant son Service Civique à Lens, il s'est engagé en maison de retraite auprès de personnes âgées. Cette mission a conforté Aurélien dans le projet qui lui tenait à cœur depuis des années : devenir ambulancier. Convaincu par son potentiel, l'Institut a mis Aurélien en contact avec une professionnelle de l'Institut pour préparer son entretien d'admission et l'a aidé à obtenir le financement de sa scolarité auprès d'une fondation partenaire. Aurélien a intégré une formation d'ambulancier, métier dans lequel l'offre d'emplois est importante.
Musical education for children
Budget: 2,750.00€
Music lessons are provided to young girls from deprived backgrounds in order to stimulate their creativity, give them confidence and put them in touch with children of the same age. This helps their gradual reintegration to society. The applicant finances the lessons and has asked GEH to help with buying instruments. These will be given to the students when they have sufficiently mastered their instrument.
GEH decided to finance a 10-day workshop and the acquisition of a musical instrument for €2,750.00
Argo Medical Solidarity for Greece – Kalamoudi Health Centre – Greece (Euboea)
Budget: 3,000.00€
The association "Argo Medical Solidarity for Greece" has received a contribution of 3,000€ to repair the health centre of Kalamoudi (Euboea) following the fires of the summer of 2021. It is a region with little tourism with a lower than average standard of living.
Création d'un musée pour l’école de la prison - Smart - Larissa
Budget: 1,500.00€
L'école de la seconde chance de la prison de Larissa veut créer un petit musée d'art (Smart : Small Museum of Art) pour exposer les œuvres des prisonniers. Elle vise à leur donner une seconde chance pour des études de niveau secondaire et pour cultiver leurs aptitudes afin de les préparer à la réintégration sociale. C'est avec leur aide que le musée sera construit.
Renovation of laundry facilities for the homeless – UWAH - Crete
Budget: 7,000.00€
The Union of Women's Associations in Heraklion asked GEH to support the renovation of a laundry that cleans clothes and blankets at a day centre for the homeless in Heraklion. The centre also provides primary health care, psychological support and information. The renovation work involves mainly the purchase of three washing machines.
ATD Fourth World - Workshop on the fight against extreme poverty-Hungary (Budapest)
Budget: 7,500.00€
The international movement "Act All for Dignity" (ATD Fourth World) is a charity dedicated to the fight against extreme poverty. Give Eur Hope has contributed 7,500 € to the financing of a series of workshops and meetings between people and associations fighting poverty on the one hand in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania in particular) and on the other hand in Western Europe (Belgium, France and United Kingdom).
Medical equipment for the Kismaros Cistercian medical clinic
Budget: 2,650.00€
The clinic helps a great many people: 660 new patients a year, 5,000 consultations (adults and children), and electrotherapy treatments for 6,800 people.
Treatment costs are not refunded by the state, and the clinic receives no official subsidies. It needs donations to develop and keep on providing orthopaedic services in a region with no other provision. The clinic specifically sets out to give underprivileged people the healthcare they need (for back problems, joint pain) so they can continue working.
Two electrotherapy equipments are provided.
Renovating the roof of a shelter - Athlone (Ireland)
Budget: 6,000.00€
Esker House is the only shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence in the Athlone area (in the centre of Ireland). The centre provides a welcome point and shelter for victims in the medium and long term. This project has been financed in cooperation with the AST group of the Commission’s DG MARE.
Training for homeless women - Galway Simon Community - Galway
Budget: 5,850.00€
The Simon Community in Galway (west of Ireland) requests funding to provide training for 30 homeless women. Collective and individual training courses will provide the women with psychological and intellectual resources to promote better integration and protection in their domestic and social life.
Pedagogy of Cultural Rights
Budget: 3,200.00€
The Organisation “Blue Drum” (trade name of Arts Specialist Support Agency) is one of 5 support agencies set up by the Irish Government’s Family Support Agency. Blue Drum seeks to promote cultural and artistic events in order to encourage the most disadvantaged local communities to become aware of their marginalisation and their right of cultural expression. GEH’s contribution will fund the organisation of activities (circles) and artists’ salaries.
Aide aux victimes du tremblement de terre – Italie
Budget: 21,350.00€
L’hôpital de la ville d’Amandola (région Marche) a été détruit par le tremblement de terre du mois d’août en Italie. Le Maire de la ville et son administration sont à la recherche de fond pour installer un hôpital de camp en mesure de fournir aux résidents les aides de santé urgentes en attendant la réouverture de l’ancien hôpital. La société FLEX HOUSE SYSTEM a fourni à la municipalité deux modules dont un a été donne et l’autre devra être remboursé. Ce deuxième mesure environ 60 mc et le montant à rembourser à l’entreprise s’élève à environ 50,000.00 €, la commune ayant contribué avec ses fonds propres à une partie de la construction.
L’intégralité de la somme récoltée lors de la collecte de fonds auprès des fonctionnaires de la Commission Européenne a été versée en contribution aux frais d’installation de l’hôpital.
Social integration – IL GRAFO - Milan
Budget: 2,520.00€
The target group consists of foreign women on low incomes who, after finishing their training at the ITAMA school for foreigners, still find themselves socially excluded. The project aims to offer them the opportunity to meet with other women – both foreign and Italian - and increase their level of social integration. In cooperation with other organizations, they will receive training in literacy, health and the labour market. The overall cost of the project amounts to € 7 388. GEH will cover the training costs of one expert, or € 2,520 for 42 two-hour meetings. Other costs (€ 4,868) such as salaries and material are covered by Il Grafo.
Hairdressers for a food bank - Matchpoint - Amersfoort
Budget: 750.00€
Matchpoint in Amersfoort (a town between Utrecht and Amsterdam) is an association which tries to support local projects that tackle social issues. The aim of this project is to install a hair salon in a food bank, open twice a week, where people can have their hair done for free by two professional hairdressers. The amount requested covers the purchase of two second-hand seats (with booster seats for children), two large mirrors, a linoleum floor covering and other small equipment.
Sports équipement - Wanda Garczymska - Walbrzych
Budget: 4,000.00€
La région de Walbrzych est une des plus pauvres en Pologne. Suite à une fermeture de mines, 20.000 personnes se sont retrouvées dans une situation précaire. Wanda Garczymska accueille des enfants qui n’ont pas d’alternative à la rue. Le projet vise à renforcer l’activité par la mise en place d’un centre sportif. Il comporte trois parties : achat d’équipement sportif, rénovation de la salle de sport, remplacement d’un terrain (le financement sera demandé à NATO Charity Bazar). La demande de soutien à GEH concerne le premier volet du projet, d’un montant de 6,000.00 €, avec contribution de la Fondation de 1,400.00 €. Ce projet a été financé grâce au don généreux de Femmes d'Europe.
Construction of an access ramp in a refuge for homeless individuals that are disabled or ill (Poland)
Budget: 5,000.00€
This project involves the construction of an access ramp in a homeless refuge located in a neighbourhood in Warsaw. The ramp will help homeless individuals that are disabled or ill to access the refuge without which they would be left to live on the streets. The cost of this work amounts to €15,000 of which GEH has contributed €5,000. The project should be completed by late 2011/early 2012.
Rapport de suivi (only available in french)