Funded projects by year
L'Ilot – Securing reception centres - Brussels and Jumet - 7000,00€
The non-profit organisation L'Ilot strives to meet the needs of homeless people in very precarious situations so that they can rebuild themselves sustainably. It has been awarded 7,000€ to secure two of its reception houses, one in Brussels, the other in Jumet (Charleroi), following the advice of professionals in the security of places and people.
Babbelkot – Summer Camp – Etterbeek - 720,00€
The non-profit organisation Babbelkot, which organises integration activities for disadvantaged people in Etterbeek, has been awarded 720€ to provide 24 children with a day of astronaut experience at the Euro Space Centre in Redu.
Solidarité Grands Froids – equipping of a reception centre and products for the homeless – Brussels - 4250,00€
The NGO Solidarité Grands Froids in Brussels, which helps people on the streets, has asked to finance the acquisition of computer equipment, a stock of hygiene and clothing products and the equipping of a shed to distribute these products to homeless people. The association requested 5,500€. The project is co-financed with 2,265€ raised through the Christmas collection of DG HR.
Renovassistance – renovation of kitchens – Jette - 7000,00€
Renovassistance is a non-profit association that renovates dilapidated or abandoned buildings in the Brussels Region, entrusting them to a social real estate agency that provides decent housing for people in financial difficulty. The association asked for 10,600€ to finance the renovation of kitchens in 3 apartments in a building with a garden. The Board agreed to finance 2 kitchens at 3,500€ each.
Ellen Schraudolph
We received a generous donation in memory of Ellen Schraudolph for her project GIVE EUR-HOPE. We warmly thank the donors and shall never forget Ellen’s smile and commitment.
Teosis – Summer Camps – Ruse - 3200,00€
The Bulgarian association Teosis aims to integrate disadvantaged people. It has received 3,200€ for the organisation of a summer camp in the mountains for children and young people from large single-parent families, orphans, abandoned or very poor, to develop their skills. It plans to organise such camps again the next year. This year's camp could be maintained due to the measures envisaged against the pandemic.
ECCOFOR - Equipment for a training centre, Dole - 5000,00€
ECCOFOR is an employment-training association for young people who have dropped out of school seeking work in occupations in demand (car maintenance, metalworking and locksmithing). The association requested 5,000€ for computer equipment.
RCHF - Rural Hygiene - Romania (North East) - 1500,00€
The RCHF Foundation (Romanian Children's Humanitarian Foundation) has been granted 1,500€ to finance the purchase of portable toilets and sinks for 60 families who do not have this necessary form of hygiene.
RCHF Foundation - Solar lamps - Romania (North East) - 1300,00€
The Romanian Children's Humanitarian Foundation has been awarded 1,300€ to finance the distribution of solar lamps to about forty families too poor to pay for the electricity connection. They currently use home-made candles that have caused fires with toxic fumes because of the materials used to make them.
RCHF - Children's Day - Romania (North East) - 400,00€
The Romanian Children's Humanitarian Foundation has received 400€ to fund outdoor days for 60 children, in groups of 10, from poor villages. These days are intended to compensate as much as possible for the summer camps that cannot be organised this year because of the pandemic. This project has been co-financed by DG BUDG Charity Art Auction
Romanian Children's Humanitarian Foundation - Timmy Mouse - (North-East) - 3500,00€
The RCHF Foundation has been awarded 3,500€ to finance the printing of two books to prepare underprivileged children, cared for in hospitals and state institutions, for primary education. One book is about colours, the other about language